Fire-Stopping and Inspection in Construction - 2 Days

Course Overview

The Fire Stopping and Inspection in Construction course provides essential training to ensure that all fire stopping installations comply with legal and safety standards, enhancing the overall safety of buildings and construction sites while minimising project delays. Over two days, participants will gain comprehensive knowledge of fire stopping products, inspection techniques, and up-to-date industry practices through a blend of tutor-led sessions, group discussions, and activities. This course is designed to improve staff competence and retention, boost company reputation, and advance learners' career prospects in the construction sector.

Benefits for Employers

  • Compliance: Ensure your team are educated that all fire stopping installations comply with legal and safety standards, minimising the risk of non-compliance and associated penalties.

  • Improved Safety: Enhance the overall safety of your buildings and construction sites by implementing effective fire stopping measures, protecting both assets and lives.

  • Increased Efficiency: Prevent project delays related to fire stopping issues through comprehensive training and early engagement of your employees.

  • Reputation Enhancement: Show your dedication to safety and quality, thereby improving your company’s reputation and competitive advantage in the market.

  • Staff Development and Retention: Equip your employees with the skills and knowledge necessary to identify, correctly utilse, and inspect fire stopping products. This comprehensive training ensures they operate safely and professionally, while also enhancing job satisfaction and loyalty, leading to improved staff retention.

Price: £300 + VAT

Benefits for Learners

  • Comprehensive Knowledge: Acquire a thorough understanding of fire stopping products and their correct applications, equipping you with essential industry knowledge.

  • Career Advancement: Enhance your employability and career prospects by gaining skills crucial for roles in safety and compliance within the construction sector.

  • Practical Skills: Develop practical techniques for inspecting and documenting fire stopping installations, improving your on-the-job performance.

  • Up-to-Date Information: Stay current with the latest legislation, guidelines, and best practices in fire stopping and inspection, ensuring your knowledge remains relevant and cutting-edge

  • Networking Opportunities: Build a network of like-minded professionals within the construction and fire safety industry.

Course Key Facts

  • Pre-Course Study: Includes study materials to prepare learners for the in-depth content covered during the course.

  • Duration: Two days of tutor led training.

  • Delivery Method: A blend of tutor-led content, group discussions, and group activities to facilitate interactive and comprehensive learning.

Course Content:

  • Element 1 - Definitions: Understanding key terms and definitions related to fire stopping.

  • Element 2 - Law and Guidance: An in-depth examination of the laws and guidance documents that govern fire stopping in construction.

  • Element 3 - Early Engagement: The importance of early engagement in the fire stopping process for buildings, ensuring all stakeholders are involved from the beginning.

  • Element 4 - Contractor Competence: Assessing the importance of contractor competence during installation and exploring certification schemes that validate contractor skills.

  • Element 5 - Recording the Install: Exploring various methods of documenting evidence, including the influence of technology, and verifying that documentation is valid and up-to-date.

  • Element 6 - Fire Stopping Products: A comprehensive look at different fire stopping products on the market, their functions, and appropriate applications.

  • Element 7 - Ducting and Dampers: A focused examination of ducting and dampers, their role in fire stopping, and best practices for installation and inspection.

  • Element 8 - Design Review: Ensuring that design reviews occur before on-site installation, ensuring no alterations impact the drawings, products, or components.

  • Element 9 - Inspections: Overview of the different stages of inspections during construction, including in-progress and final inspections.

Suitable For

Construction and Site Managers: To oversee and ensure fire stopping measures are correctly implemented.

  • Site Supervisors: To manage on-site fire stopping installations and inspections.

  • Safety Officers: To ensure compliance with fire stopping regulations and standards.

  • Project Engineers/Designers: To integrate fire stopping measures in the design phase and verify proper implementation.

  • Building Inspectors: To accurately assess and report on fire stopping measures in construction projects.

  • BSA/ Building Regs PD – to build on knowledge regarding fire stopping and fire stopping measures.

When attending our courses, CITB levy payers can claim back some of the costs invested in training. As an approved CITB organisation we can further assist you by applying for these grants on your behalf.

If you are interested in any of our courses, or would like to have more information, please get in touch or call our office on 01948 871 373 and speak with one of our professional and friendly team.