All about Dust Control

We all know how bad for us breathing dust in is; or do we?

Did you know that construction workers are classed as high risk for the following diseases:

  • Lung Cancer

  • Silicosis 

  • COPD 

  • Asthma 

  • Asbestosis 

  • Mesothelioma 

But what’s the big deal? What do these disease actually mean? Lets break them down below:

Lung Cancer 

According to the HSE approx. 2760 deaths per year are linked to lung cancer from WORK exposure! That doesn’t include other factors like smoking or vaping. It’s a staggering amount. Lung cancer can take many years to develop, so the risk factors are not always thought about. How many times have you “forgot” to turn on your LEV, put your face fitted dust mask on, or even opened a window for better ventilation. Those little short cuts we all like to take could mean the different between life and death! 


What actually is it? We all hear it….. well, when we cut anything with sand, rock, or clay in for example, silica dust is released. This dust is very fine and ends up going into the lungs as we breath. Silicosis causes extreme breathing difficulties and increases your risk of lung infections. People do die from silicosis, so it should be taken very seriously on site. Again, it can take years to affect you, so the risks are often not thought about. 


The breathing problems tend to get gradually worse over time and can limit your normal activities. This is a slow progression. Symptoms can include shortness of breath, chest infections, persistent wheezing. COPD happens when the lungs become inflamed, damaged and narrowed. The outlook for COPD varies from person to person. The condition cannot be cured or reversed. In some people, COPD may continue to get worse despite treatment, eventually having a significant impact on their quality of life and leading to life-threatening problems. 


Occupational asthma is a form of lung disease in which the breathing passages shrink, swell, or become inflamed or congested as a result of exposure to irritants in the workplace. Symptoms include severe shortness of breath that can stop you from doing the simplest tasks. Imagine not being able to carry your shopping or walk up the stairs or even play with your children. Some sufferers are unable to work again.

Asbestosis and Mesothelioma 

These two diseases are caused by exposure to asbestos. There is no cure for these diseases, and they are fatal. Typically, symptoms occur several years after exposure. Mesothelioma is often diagnosed at an advanced stage; treatment is usually focused on controlling the symptoms and prolonging life for as long as possible – this is palliative care

So what can we do? 


Do not cut/generate the dust in the first instance. I know this is not always possible, but if the work can be done without generation of dusts, it should. 


Reduce the amount of dust generation and airborne. This can be done in a number of ways including; 

  • Wet cut 

  • On tool extraction 

  • LEV 

  • Correct tools and equipment.


PPE / RPE only protects the individual and not the collective i.e. everyone else in the area. Although RPE does need to be worn, this cannot and should not be the only control measure in use. Equally, RPE should be face fitted, worn correctly (no stubble/facial hair), and appropriate for the worn being undertaken. E.g. FFP3 filters. 

The HSE are targeting the management of dusts in all workplaces. If you are unsure of what you have in place, and what you might need improving, speak to us at Safety For.

Safety For are about Safety For ALL. Whatever your business size, industry and needs, we are here for you.


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