Inspecting our First Aid Kit

First aid provision in the workplace is in most cases something we take for granted. As companies, we train our staff, we supply first aid kits and we put up posters and pictures to keep everyone informed and safe, but one thing we can sometimes forget about is the checking of our First Aid Kits themselves. It’s really important to ensure the contents are maintained at the correct levels and the use by dates are in within date.

Just very recently as part of my role as a first aider I undertook a survey of one of our advisors kits, and this is what I found.

These were the only items still in date.

All the items in this photograph had gone past their use by dates.

We will of course now replace the out-of-date items and once the stock has arrived ensure we check the contents every 3 months and make sure all the contents are suitable and sufficient for the workplace tasks and individuals, ensure they kit is stocked to the correct levels, and remain in date.

It’s important for all companies to ensure their first aid kit is fully stocked and in date. Why not take a few moments today to check yours, you never know when you might need it.


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