Safety in Design & Beauty

Many know of the beautiful and heart-warming story of love behind the Taj Mahal - built by Emperor Shah Jahan in loving memory of his wife Mumtaz, this marvel has lured millions of visitors over the years, but how many of us knew that there were so many design secrets and considerations?

You may have heard that it was designed to be perfectly symmetrical in every way, you may also have learnt that there were 28 different varieties of stone brought from different parts of Asia. It is said that over 1000 elephants were used to transport materials with around 22,000 people taking 22 years to complete this outstanding structure…


How many knew that the four pillars were designed and constructed to lean away from the main monument so that in the event of any natural calamities such as earthquakes, they would crumble and fall away and therefore leave the main structure untouched?

When construction began in 1631, the role of Principal Designer was not yet developed, however some of the principles behind it were clearly considered with the surrounding environment and known earthquakes affecting the design, interestingly though, we wonder whether the materials used were thought through – with great amounts of marble brought in and pulley systems said to be created and used to install the sections.

So, to all those Romeo’s out there, before you set your mind on building your beloved partner a palace, ensure you have a competent Principal Designer appointed.

In today’s challenging world, you need to be sure that you have considered Health and Safety at all stages – from initial ideas to the use, cleaning, and maintenance of the building. Can you demonstrate that you have followed this design risk management approach? Is the team collaborating well together? These are often the hidden challenges in a project but are vital to its success. Safety For have a bespoke CDM policy which ensures that not only are these issues thought about, but actively managed in a pragmatic, yet robust method. 

Contact Safety For to learn more about our PD and CDMA Services 

Don’t forget Property Maintenance!

How do you effectively maintain the finished building? Operation and Maintenance (O&M) manuals are key. They must be easy to follow, easy to use and most importantly updated to reflect any changes. Do you know where yours are? When’s the last time you have them reviewed? These key manuals are often forgotten about and left last minute to complete. 

Safety For are experts in O&M collation and functionality review, contact us for more information


What’s the difference between a H&S file and O&M manuals?
