Fork Lift Truck Operator Competence

Forklift Truck operators deliver heavy and multiple items into, out of, and around your business. They reduce manual handling activities and can be essential to the smooth running and profitability of your business, Safety For are often asked for guidance on ensuring FLT Operator Competence. This week’s blog is aimed at providing some commonly discussed points.

How Do We Maintain and Ensure operator Competence?

There are a few ways lets deal with them individually: 

Competence assessment, by your Managers, appointed responsible persons or H&S Competent Support. This informal assessment can be conducted in an inobtrusive way and can identify good and bad practice as the operator goes about their working day. Feedback in the form of a report can be used to show how the operator performed and document areas for improvement.

These assessments are especially useful to determine if recently trained operators both novice and experienced maintain the standards they were trained to on their return to their workplace 

If you are unsure how to do this, then Safety For are here to help.


Regular refresher training by a competent FLT instructor examiner. They can be internal or external to your business. Guidelines for refresher training vary but at Safety For we advise the following:

    1. Every 3 years, for operators who use the equipment infrequently or have been deemed (via the competence assessment) as requiring extra training.

    2. Every 5 Years, for operators who operate frequently and display good practice via the competence assessments.

Conversion Training: Companies can and do change equipment after lease periods end - if the equipment type changes, then you must ensure your operators have the appropriate type of training certification.

Familiarisation Training: Companies can and do purchase attachments/accessories. As tasks change in the business, training your staff on these changes goes a long way to maintaining both confidence and competence.

How Do I Select The Right Employee to be a FLT in House Trainer?

Taking the decision to train or engage an employee as an in-house FLT instructor examiner is a big and potentially expensive commitment in both time and money for the business and will require significant input and commitment from the employee, or employees.


How do we decide on Who?

You know your employees better than anyone, but you will need to consider all of the following when making your decision do you potential instructors display the following attributes. 

  1. A High Level of Skill & Knowledge: Do they have, or display, a high level of pre-existing knowledge about the equipment you currently have on site. Do they care? And are they passionate about the task ahead?

  2. Efficiency in training your employees: FLT courses are structured and timebound to maintain flow and keep learners engaged. Does your nominated person(s) possess the qualities to work to deadlines and maintain quality standards?

  3. Leadership qualities: Can your potential instructors control trainees, maintain disciple in a learning environment and keep the learners engaged and on track to learn? Can they maintain an area of calm in a potentially intense situation?

  4. Display a commitment to safety: In-house training can be difficult to manage as everyday work is still ongoing, the training however must be separate, so space and resources are crucial to effective training. 

An instructor is wholly responsible for the safety of trainees as well as anyone else who may be affected by the activities they are undertaking.  And finally, an instructor must ensure trainees are operating safely. 

In conclusion you will need to select a person who displays or has the potential to display all the above attributes. They should be continually professional, flexible to facilitate a positive learning experience, knowledgeable about the subject matter, safe in all operations they demonstrate and oversee, and lastly committed to delivering quality training for your employees and their colleagues. 

Finally, If you need any help with competence assessments or determining who may make a good instructor examiner then call Safety For we would be delighted to help you choose the right person, and help you maintain confidence in your operator skills competence.

Safety For is an Approved Training Organisation delivering a range of courses, covering all operations and industries. Our training conveys key messages, in a clear and concise delivery, suitable for all levels of delegates.

If you are interested in any of our courses, or would like to have more information, please get in touch or call our office on 01948 871 373 and speak with one of our professional and friendly team.

Safety For are about Safety For ALL. Whatever your business size, industry and needs, we are here for you.


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