Gardening for Mental Health

There’s nothing nicer than a crisp, autumn day when there’s still enough heat in the sun to warm you without getting hot and bothered as you work in the garden. There’s still a lot of colour, and the changing tones of the leaves can be mesmerising as they slowly fall to the ground.

Through Lockdown many of us turned to our gardens to escape from the crazy situation the World found itself in, for some it started a new relationship with nature that eases the mind and body. Gardening helps me totally switch off from everything that buzzes around in my head, work, family commitments and financial pressures, it lightens worries and reduces both anxiety and blood pressure. Growing my own fruit and vegetables, even just a few herbs on the windowsill, gives a real sense of achievement and there’s nothing nicer than cooking with your own produce.

This is also the time of the year to gather seeds, ready to plant out in the Spring, helping nature recycle some of its finest gifts and saving money too! Gardening is such a positive thing to do, it encourages patience, develops empathy and perspective. “Our minds are like gardens, our thoughts are the seeds, you can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds!”

Gardening allows us to connect with the natural world in a profound way, fostering a deep appreciation for the beauty and intricacy of the plants and creatures that inhabit our surroundings. It teaches us to be patient, as we wait for seeds to sprout and flowers to bloom, reminding us that growth takes time and effort. Gardening also cultivates empathy, as we learn to care for and nurture living things, understanding their needs and providing them with the necessary conditions to thrive. In doing so, we develop a sense of responsibility and compassion towards all living beings. Moreover, gardening offers us a new perspective, allowing us to step back from our busy lives and immerse ourselves in the tranquillity of nature. It provides a space for reflection and contemplation, enabling us to gain clarity and find solace amidst the chaos of everyday life. In essence, gardening is not just a hobby or a pastime, but a transformative experience that enriches our lives in countless ways. So, let us embrace the joys of gardening and let our minds bloom with positivity and beauty.


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